Free resources provided by NHS England for all NHS staff, including access to free apps and a helpline.
Practitioner Health is a free, confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists across England experiencing mental illness or addiction issues. The service covers various mental health concerns, in particular where these might affect work, and is provided by professionals who specialise in mental health support for doctors and dentists.
Effective tools to help reduce stress & anxiety and improve resilience and wellbeing
Mental health, physical wellbeing and wellness services for South Yorkshire's health and care workforce.
If you’re staying home more often due to the COVID-19 lockdown, it’s extremely important to take good care of your mental health. Every Mind Matters provide a personalised Mind Plan designed specifically to help manage your mental wellbeing during coronavirus, including COVID-19 specific content, along with support for wider mental wellbeing issues such as anxiety, stress, low mood and insomnia. have created a collection of meditations, sleep stories, music and more to support your mental and emotional wellness during the coronavirus outbreak. Find Let’s Face This Moment Together plus many more resources, guided meditations and calming music collections at
The team at Unmind have teamed up with world-class experts to create bite-sized, interactive courses for proactively looking after your mental health. Whether you’re looking to improve your sleep, nurture relationships, reduce stress or manage anxiety – there’s something for all areas of life. Sign up is free for NHS staff.
Daylight is a smartphone app that uses evidence-based cognitive behavioural techniques, voice and animation to provide support for people experiencing symptoms of worry and anxiety.
Headspace offer over 1,000 hours of mindfulness and sleep content to help alleviate stress and improve your general wellbeing. This content can be accessed for free by NHS staff Nature’s Coaching have a number of free resources to support the wellbeing of NHS staff, including self-help techniques and breathing exercises to manage stress and anxiety.
Cruse Bereavement Care offer free information and advice to people struggling with loss via a range of resources and support services, including a dedicated telephone helpline (0808 808 1677) and webchat. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cruse Bereavement Care extended their support offering to help individuals who are dealing with grief in isolation.
Sleepio is a fully automated, highly personalised sleep improvement programme that uses clinically-evidenced cognitive behavioural techniques to help improve poor sleep.
The Recovery College Online have developed a free course for young people aged 13 -18 to help them cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The course provides useful information about the nature of the virus, how to stay healthy and avoid passing it on, and suggests various things to do at home during lockdown.
Click Here for Coping During the Pandemic
Click Here for Looking After Your Family's Wellbeing During Lockdown
Click Here for Coronavirus Workbook for Children
Click Here for Coronavirus Guidance for Carers
Click Here for Coronavirus: Help to Stay Safe and Well
Mankind provide confidential support for male victims of domestic abuse and violence.
Refuge is the UK’s largest single provider of domestic and gender-based violence services.
Relate provides relationship support for people of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations.
The National Domestic Violence Helpline
The National Domestic Violence Helpline, in partnership with Women’s Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence.
Men’s Advice Line, provided by Respect, offers advice and support to men who are experiencing domestic abuse. The helpline can also signpost to other vital services that help keep men and their children safe. The helpline (0808 8010327) is open 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday; webchat is accessible via the Respect website Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 11am and 3pm to 4pm, with an e-mail service also available on request.
TheCitizens Advice Bureauprovides information to help keep your finances stable, whilst the government provides information and guidanceon what financial support may be available to you. You can also access the following financial services for assistance and support:
Helps nurses, midwives and healthcare workers receive financial assistance.
Provides financial support grants for nurses that have practiced in the UK for a minimum of 5 years.
Mental Health and Money Advice
Explains how to budget during the Covid-19 outbreak to help you feel more in control of your finances and mental health.
Provides free, impartial money advice to help you improve your finances.
Money Saving Expert & Employment Advice
Offers dedicated financial information relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Delivers financial assistance to those experiencing money problems as a result of self-isolation.
Offers support to members and will also direct non-members to other support sources.
Helps doctors and their families in financial need.
Provides free advice and practical solutions on debt and its effects.
A registered national debt advice and education charity offering confidential support to anyone worried about loans, credit and debt.
Provides financial support to help people get back on track with their money, including those experiencing financial issues related to COVID-19.
A network of charities offering free, confidential advice online, over the phone and in person.
The Mindful Workplace
Michael Chaskalson
Mindfulness for Health
Danny Penman
Menopause – the change for the better
Written by expert contributors
The Mindful Way Through Stress
Shamash Alidina
How Not to Worry
Paul McGee
How to Have a Great Life
Paul McGee
Mindfulness @ Work
Anna Black
Rebel Ideas
Matthew Syed
Black Box Thinking
Matthew Syed
Matthew Syed
Mark Williams & Danny Penman
Elizabeth Day
Good Vibes, Good Life
Vex King
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
Jordan Peterson
Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day
Captain Sir Tom Moore
The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
Haemin Sumin
Resilient Me: How to worry less and achieve more
Sam Owen
Joy At Work
Marie Kondo
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman
The Secret
Rhonda Byrne
Think Like a Monk
Jay Shetty
Healing is the New High
Vex King
Zero Negativity: The Power of Positive Thinking
Ant Middleton